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140040 Prairie Dr
Gering, NE, 69341
United States

(308) 436-5554

Calvary Memorial Church is located at the corner of Birch and 18th in Gering, Nebraska.  We gather each Sunday morning at 10:30 to glorify God through corporate praise and worship with a distinct focus on the relevant teaching of the Bible.

What We Believe

Our Purpose is to be a family bound together in Christ through the Holy Spirit and glorify God by loving Him and each other through worship, prayer, instruction, fellowship and evangelism.


Our Vision is to experience…

  • WORSHIP so alive, anointed, and focused that people encounter God and interact with Him.
  • TEACHING so accurate, understandable, and practical that people come to know and live the truth found in God’s Word.
  • FELLOWSHIP so genuine, accepting, and contagious that people know they are welcome and they absolutely enjoy being here.
  • TESTIMONIES so clear, sincere, and constant that people come to know Jesus in their lives.
  • SERVICE MINDSET so creative, targeted, and sacrificial that people come to know we really care about the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of individuals and families.


Our Core Beliefs

  • The Bible is the Word of God and is our only source of spiritual truth.
  • There is one God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus is the sinless Son of God who came to be the Savior of the World.
  • All people are sinners by nature and by choice.
  • Jesus died on the cross for our sin and rose from the dead.
  • Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone.
  • Jesus is coming again!